Chaos at Calais

This story was found on the BBC Breaking News Twitter feed. The full story can be found here:

The Story – Shortened:

Following a French strike the Channel Tunnel was forced to close causing massive lines in traffic between borders as migrants attempted to climb into slow moving lorries. This subsequently led to violence and discord between migrants and drivers.

The Comments

As so often with these types of stories that are becoming all too common, views are polarised:




Firstly, you have to feel for those drivers that suffered unwarranted assaults and violent attacks whilst simply trying to do their job. The reported lack of presence on behalf of French police is simply not good enough. Nobody should be subjected to such abuse.

The bigger picture here is that these migrants are desperate. We should be looking at the world as a whole to see that this isn’t good enough.

Everyone can do more.

There is a distinct lack of empathy for these people’s circumstances, many not realising that if they were in the same situation they would act in a similar way. People that are persecuted or left without a way to live humanly are simply looking for the comfortability that we take for granted in Europe.

And they’re desperate.

When you also consider the people that are being trafficked illegally by those seeking to profit from the misery of others, you have to wonder whether a rethink is needed.

These people need help, the world needs change and we as human beings have a duty to each other to make that happen in whatever way we can.

“The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation”

– Bertrand Russell 

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